Restaurant review for Shige Sushi Bar in South Perth, Western Australia, from DineView's Restaurant Guide.

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Shige Sushi Bar
(08) 9367 2500
19-21 Mends St, South Perth, Western Australia

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they didn't try the food I can only say they were lucky.The only time I have been to Atomic before I was with somoene, and while it wasn't memorable, I obviously wasn't concentrating on the food as much. Last Saturday morning I went for breakfast, and I had the worst Eggs Benedict I have ever eaten in Perth. Now I'll admit there is some variation when it comes to eggs benedict, but at Atomic I felt like they were taking the mickey.Picture a soft muffin that was barely toasted and tasted of nothing, a round piece of processed ham that was wafer thin and tasted of nothing, reasonable eggs and what can only be descibed as warm cream with a mere hint of hollandaise-like taste. So one out of four ingredients were alright.I also had a chai latte, which not unlike the hollandaise, was best described as hot milk with a hint of chai, but at least it was hot.I would have told the waitress, but she didn't say anything when she cleared the plate maybe she is only too aware.Shame because it is a reasonably smart place from the outside, but looks can be deceiving. Bradley

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