Restaurant review for The Mousetrap Restaurant & Bar in Latham, New York, from DineView's Restaurant Guide.

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The Mousetrap Restaurant & Bar
(518) 783-5787
893 New Loudon Road, Latham, New York

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To make a long story short, my son's glass of soda contained black chunks, resembling mold. When brought to the owner's attention, she became extremely defensive. She exclaimed it wasn't mold - his glass must have been in the dirty dishwater (I guess she thinks that is acceptable?). When she became irate after I exclaimed I was not going to pay for the drinks, my husband and I decided we didn't feel comfortable finishing our meal. The owner then retaliated by threatening to call the police if we chose not to pay for the meal, which wasn't even served to us. Given that we didn't want things to escalate in front of our children, we reluctantly paid and left the pizza there, offering it to the bar patrons. However, the owner proceeded to argue with us when we went to pay her and even attempted to force us to take the pizza. This restaurant is not recommended - the customer service is horrific and obviously not as clean as you would expect. Weismann

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